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Concessions FAQ

We have collated here several questions we have been asked about concessions and rebates to make your experience easier. If you have a question that isn’t answered here, feel free to call us or submit a ticket and we’ll see what we can do to help.

Where can I find what concessions are available?

It can be overwhelming to try and find this information by yourself. Please visit our article here to see concessions for Embedded Network Customers, and contact Energy On if there are any concerns or you’d like help. 

If you are unsure if you are eligible for a concession, consider visiting Services Australia here

How much will the concession rebate be and how will I receive this? 

The federal government concession rebate changes each year, and many states have additional rebates. For 2024’s rebate, once the form has been filled out and submitted, it will be paid either directly into your bank account or it will be displayed on your invoice as credit.

I have a pensioner’s card, am I eligible for a concession? 

If you hold a pensioner’s card, you are usually applicable for concessions. All concessions have specific requirements that must be met for them to be approved. For example, Victoria’s Non-Mains Energy Concession requires customers to have either a Pensioner’s Card, a Health Care Card or a Veterans Affairs Gold Card. We recommend you check what concessions you may be eligible by following the steps in the first question of this FAQ. 

Can I still have a concession added to my utility account if I did not mention this upon account set up?

Yes, you can. Energy On does not apply your concession directly to your account at the time of set up. We can assist you with your application for concession at any time, which you can find a helpful list of links for concessions at the first question of the FAQ.

I applied for the concession a long time ago and haven’t received anything, who can I contact for more information? 

Applying for concessions can take some time, typically around six to eight weeks to process. If that time has passed and you haven't heard anything, it's best to get in touch with the relevant government concession department in your state.

I had my concession directly applied to my account with my previous energy company, why isn’t it the same with Energy On? 

As your current address is part of an embedded network, concessions and discounts are not applied directly to your utility account. Instead, you must apply through your State Government. Energy On is happy to assist you in this process, with a list of links to concessions available at the first question of this FAQ.

In any circumstance that you require more information, please don’t hesitate to contact Energy on.

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