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Do I have to sign up with Energy On?

As your tenancy is part of an Embedded Network, your electricity is supplied through the site and managed by Energy On. 

However, the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) requires that residents with an Embedded Network (EN) are entitled to source their electricity from a retailer of their choice. 

This is known as “Power of Choice”, meaning that you are entitled to seek quotes for purchase of your electricity direct from any retailer you choose, and sign on with them if satisfied. Before commencing a search, there is some important information to know.

Energy On’s role in this process is to assist you in the evaluation of a quote you receive from a retailer, to ensure that you will be better off under the new arrangement and, if so, to assist you with the process. To accurately assess the value of the offer being made to you by your retailer of choice, you must advise the retailer that the apartment is part of an Embedded Network or Local Energy Network (LEN). 

After this, you should ensure they provide you a quote for 'Energy Only', as they will not be supplying the energy to your tenancy, and cannot charge you for the 'Network' costs. 

Ensuring you follow this step will save you lots of time receiving quotes from energy companies who cannot sell you this product.

If you accept this offer and choose to leave the LEN, the first thing that needs to be done is the meter installation. The meters in an LEN are privately owned, and your retailer may need you to install a new meter in replacement (which may have installation and supply costs). Once these arrangements have been made, your retailer of choice will contact Energy On as the Embedded Network Manager at your premises and arrange for the change to occur.

Provided you proceed, you will now receive two (2) electricity invoices; 
1. One for your electricity usage from your retailer of choice, 
2. One from Energy On for your network charges.

As your EN Owner/Operator will pay the 'Network' Costs of supplying you energy, we still collect the network charges that go to operating electrical infrastructure for the distribution area.

Please contact us if you would like any more information, we're here to help.

Alternatively, you can download the AER's and Energy On Fact Sheet via the links below.

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